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In this post we’ll look at how we can test cortisol in here in Australia, answering some basic questions and offer up some simple advice on test selection. Cortisol is a hormone operating on a clock-cycle known as the Circadian Cycle. In this case, it is the 24HR Circadian clock which underpins the intended role of the cortisol hormone.  It is a very powerful hormone and of critical importance to us however cortisol doesn’t always operate strictly according to schedule. In fact when it is malfunctioning it can be highly disruptive causing fatigue and impacting upon the relationships with those around us.

Image with 4 rainbow coloured boxes. Each representing a time point in the day. Box 1 Collect sample 1 between 0600 and 0800 or within 30 min or rising. Box 2 Collect sample 2 between 1200 and 1300 Box 3 Collect sample 3 between 1600 and 1700 Box 4 Collect sample 4 between 2000 and 2200 or just before bed.

Cortisol, and other hormones, can be checked in different ways. With a general consensus that saliva is an optimal method for testing cortisol we will highlight only saliva test options in this post.

There are a small number of saliva cortisol test variants and it is important to select one which offers value. A single snap-shot-test, i.e. a single saliva collection, will not reveal the trajectory (pathway) of the hormone, but rather the amount present at that time. To get real value we need to observe the behaviour of cortisol which requires multiple saliva collections over a period of time.

Multi-point testing is the solution and it’s for that reason that the majority of cortisol tests involve multiple specimen collections.


What types of cortisol test are there?

When deciding upon the type of test to select, we have the choice to check the morning behaviour of cortisol, which as you will see below is important, or, we can chose to measure the full (cortisol) ‘daily pattern’. DHEA’s are often checked alongside cortisol due to the precursor hormone being known to have a direct impact on cortisol production. With the specimen collections being spread out over time, at-home saliva cortisol test kits fit the bill.


shows 6 point cortisol test result graph artwork only

– Multipoint saliva cortisol test results.

Multi-point Salivary Cortisol Tests 

Comprehensive Cortisol Test Kit The larger ‘24 hour Comprehensive Cortisol Test’ records the Cortisol Daily Pattern in full. In addition to checking morning cortisol values, this test will also reveal the hormone evening / night behaviour. This is important, as the cortisol output should be almost non existent by nightfall.


Cortisol Awakening Response (CAR) Test Kit The ‘Cortisol Awakening Response test [CAR]’ includes 3 saliva collections in the morning and records the expected rise and fall in cortisol values.  This is also important as we require that burst of cortisol to give us the boost we need for the day ahead. However, the cortisol produced should also disperse by midday and test result charts will highlight if this is in fact occurring. The morning cortisol behaviour is recorded and charted using the CAR test kit.


Adrenal Function Extended Profile Test Kit This well established four point saliva test also measures the cortisol daily pattern but includes DHEAs which is tested from the first collection only. Low DHEAs often indicates cortisol irregularity and is a vital clue when assessing adrenal function. The results from the ‘Adrenal Function XP test’ will reveal just how much stress your body is under.


How long does it take to test Cortisol using Saliva?

At-home cortisol test turn-around-time is six to 8 working days. Should irregular cortisol levels be discovered, re-testing to confirm the result will take place, adding two more days to wait time.


Is Saliva OK for testing Cortisol?

Far more than merely OK, it is the preferred method for cortisol analysis[l]. Many of the hormones that regulate our physiology, including reproductive function or the ability to control stress, are cycling. Because of this, testing cortisol comprehensively includes multiple samples collected at all hours, and using serum for the purpose would present an array of challenges. 

That isn’t to say saliva as a test specimen type is ideal for all hormones.  In fact both serum and saliva have their limitations as biological specimen types, with each having its own benefits. So it’s important to get some good advice if you’re considering saliva cortisol testing but don’t know where to start.


Lab tech 

As the methods used for testing human biological tissue have evolved over time, the more detail they reveal. Previously undetectable ‘traces’ of hormones can now be measured reliably. This is advanced science and of a complexity far beyond the scope of this writer. For those looking to have their cortisol tested it pays to look at the big labs using with the latest wiz-bang tools.

When selecting a test from a lab check to make sure that the test facility utilizes the most advanced laboratory technology.

  • LC – liquid chromatography
  • MS/MS – atmospheric pressure ionization
  • ESI – electrospray ionization

And of course, the most advanced laboratory technology comes with the most advance laboratory terminology as can be seen above. Technical terminology it may be worth looking for i a test description.

All the best, try not to get stressed.

Brought to you by: TestoChecker
Ground Floor, /465 Victoria Ave, Chatswood, NSW, 2067

Sources cited: [l] Salivary cortisol measurement– a reliable method for the diagnosis of Cushing’s syndrome [PMID: 15891959] M Trilck 1J FlitschD K LüdeckeR JungS Petersenn

Disclaimer: TestoChecker believes in the importance of a healthy hormone balance. They’ve been providing Test Kits for checking hormones for years utilizing a variety of specimen type including saliva, hair, urine and others you don’t want to read about.

Additional reading:

What’s So Important About the Stress Hormone Cortisol?   •   FAQ – saliva hormone testing in Australia    •    How to order a hormone test at TestoChecker? 

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