Yes but don't panic, we provide it. The Referral Form is included in the test kit and must be returned with the specimen(s) sample using the Express Return Satchel, also provided.
Shift workers can test salivary hormone levels just like the rest of us, but we need to be advised so that the necessary adjustment to the test Report can be made by the lab. The adjustment involves shifting the Reports Reference Range to match the users day, removing any ambiguity from the Report entirely.
See Shiftwork and Hormone Testing for more information.
All of the established laboratories in Australia require a Referral Form for both administrative as well as legal reasons. This process involves the transportation of Human Biological Tissue which has Australian law implications. We like to think of the Referral Form as the Specimen Samples Passport. The Passport documents the journey from beginning to end and is relied upon to verify the origin of the sample.
The PayPal payment method is at times unavailable. Not to worry, we have you covered. Head over to the PayPal™/TestoChecker Test Kit Archive, and complete the transaction using the PayPal™ platform.
Generally speaking, testing time is up to 10 working days. For more detailed information regarding testing time see here.
Saliva as a test specimen type is known to endure rigorous testing that is both sensitive and highly specific to the individual hormone being assessed. With reputation & accreditation status on the line, a quality laboratory prioritizes accuracy over haste.
Liquid chromatography [LC], coupled with atmospheric pressure ionization-MS/MS, with the addition of electrospray ionization (ESI)-MS/MS, has been valued as a highly specific method in the analysis of salivary hormones.
Practical derivatization to enhance the detectability of hormones in ESI-MS/MS has come a long way, putting to bed previous criticisms with regard to microscale salivary hormone detection. Read more about Steroid hormone testing using saliva here.
- LC - Liquid chromatography
- ESI - Electrospray ionization
- MS/MS - Dual mass spectrometry
You can. All States now have access to Contact-Free-Testing.
Test kits purchased this way can be sent back to the laboratory using a supplied Express Post satchel. Using this option means that dropping the samples off at a collection centre is NOT required.
The Measurement Unit Conversion Calculators page may prove useful for those wishing to convert hormone test results into various measurement unit types.
High dose Vitamin B12 supplementation is known to affect saliva melatonin test results.
Important: It is important that you consult with your GP before ceasing use of any prescribed medicines.
Generally speaking, hormone testing is fine to do when using medicines but there are exceptions. Any supplements used to mimic the effects of hormones, and any steroid based medicines including corticosteroids, cortisone, hydrocortisone, prednisolone. will affect the results. HRT (MRT) treatment like DHEAs will obviously affect results and it is this effect people look to measure. New medicines, or brands of old ones, become available every day, and there is no conclusive list of medicines which interfere with any kind of human sample analysis.
Progesterone primarily, and Testosterone to a lesser extent are attributed the abbreviations P4 and T4 respectively, which is why the abbreviation has been used in the saliva testosterone test result and comments (when required).
Primary aldosteronism arises when the adrenal glands overproduce the hormone aldosterone. This causes the body to retain sodium and lose potassium, triggering a spike in blood pressure.
Fortunately primary aldosteronism is treatable. This can involve prescription aldosterone-blocking medications known as mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists, e.g. eplerenone and spironolactone. Changes to lifestyle in conjunction with treatment has been shown to further improve recovery time.
Yes, blood in the saliva, visible to the eye, will contaminate the sample and void the result. Check first by rinsing the mouth with fresh water and swilling into sink whilst observing for signs of blood in your saliva. Following this, wait 10 minutes and then provide your sample. If you have already used the tube, and now see blood within the saliva, it’s OK. Rinse the tube thoroughly in warm water (only), then place the tube on its side on a fresh paper towel. Wait a good 20 Minutes for it to dry before reusing.
The testing of saliva, blood or urine sample(s) is performed by nutriPATH™, an Australian owned laboratory with decades of experience.
nutriPATH™ have earned various substantial industry accreditations including:
- NATA ISO 15189 - Requirements for Quality and Competence in Medical laboratories.
- BSI ISO 13485- Quality Management for Medical Services.
Since joining forces with nutriPATH™, TestoChecker has witnessed firsthand a commitment and dedication on the part of nutriPATH™ to providing a quality service.
Try closing your mouth and moving your teeth as if you are chewing. Take your time, and refer to the tips for saliva collection in the kit instructions.
Cut a lemon in half and inhale the smell of it. Try this a few times, and stay relaxed. If this does not work, squeeze 1 drop into the inside of the cheek. Move the mouth around, and have another try to produce the saliva.
It is Testosterone being tested using this test kit, and not Thyroxine. Thyroid hormones (TSH, FT4, FT3, RT3) cannot be tested from saliva. They are compounds of too great a Molecular Weight to pass across the membrane into the saliva.
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, TestoChecker® continues to practice social distancing for the health of our staff and everyone around us. Working arrangements have been altered to accommodate this safety first approach. As a result, customer service type phone services are now limited. We encourage you to use these methods of communication, to ensure a speedy response to your queries
- To leave a message now. Select
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Thank you for your understanding.
Unfortunately no, at least not that we are aware of anyway.
Each test kit has a Purchase Cost. The Purchase Cost covers everything required and that includes:
- Express Post test kit delivery.
- Express Post sample-to-the-lab.
- Test Kit including testing apparatus / Instructions.
- Laboratory test Referral.
- Digital report.
- Administrative costs.
Please note: TestoChecker is not a medical practice and we do not provide medical advice. TestoChecker provide hormone test kits, not treatments or solutions of any kind.
Simply purchase more than one kit. Use each saliva kit and mail it back for testing when you choose. One of the advantages of saliva testing is that it allows for you to replicate the conditions under which the sample is provided, including the timing of your test, allowing for optimal consistency.
We suggest you take those results to see a local GP. It’s possible further investigation is required. It is possible that you have detected something your GP is unaware of and needs to know about. Another option is for you to retest the same hormones for clarification, whilst replicating the conditions to the best of your ability.
In men, the reproductive hormones can be measured at any time; however, in women it gets a bit more complicated!
– I have irregular menstrual cycles
It’s OK. charts can be used to help you determine the ideal test date.
– I have regular menstrual cycles
The steroid hormones estradiol and progesterone regulate the menstrual cycle and therefore rise and fall at different phases. A typical menstrual cycle completes every 28 days.
Estradiol levels fluctuate across the course of the menstrual cycle. Estradiol levels are at their lowest during menstruation (day 1-7) and then increase during the remaining follicular phase (8-14 days), peaking just prior to ovulation at day 14. Estradiol levels fall sharply post-ovulation but peak again during the luteal phase around day 21 (at the same time as the rise in progesterone) before declining once more prior to menstruation. Estradiol tests can be performed throughout the cycle but levels should be referenced against established typical ranges for the specific phase of the cycle in which testing was done.
Progesterone levels peak in the luteal phase following ovulation. A progesterone test should be performed at approximately day 21 of the cycle (21 days after the beginning of the last period) to capture peak secretion of this hormone.
Testosterone (and other androgen) levels do not vary much over the menstrual cycle but may increase slightly around ovulation.
Yes, however, if you plan on removing the IUD, at least 1 month should pass before using the TestoChecker Kit.
(amenorrhea-absence of cycles in reproductive-aged women)
Testing can occur at any time of month. If using topical (applied to the skin) HRT or supplementation, saliva hormone testing should not occur on the same day as this may give false results.
Yes, but the following information should be taken into account. Hormone medication such as DHEAs, progesterone and estrogens known as bio-identical hormones, will interfere with the test results no matter what form they are used in. The results will reveal your current levels. If you are either starting or ceasing HRT ie: cream, gel, troche, pessary, it is recommended that you wait 3 to 4 days before using the TestoChecker Kit.
If using hormonal birth control, such as oral contraceptives, then the sex hormones will be suppressed to prevent ovulation. This means that the timing of hormone testing can occur at any time. If oral contraceptives are ceased it is recommended to wait until the second cycle before testing sex hormone levels. Test results for the hormones cortisol and melatonin are not affected.
Yes, however you may require written authority by a guardian. If you seek pre-approval by the testing laboratory, we can process the request on your behalf prior to ordering. Get in touch via the Contact Page.
Organic acids are welcome byproducts of chemical reactions taking place in our body. The acids our bodies produce are unique and the amount produced can vary greatly between us.
Testing organic acid levels in Australia can be achieved via the spot urine collection method.
As of October 2024, TestoChecker™ no longer requests DOB as we don't need it. However, the laboratory will require a DOB - (See below)
Test results are benchmarked according to age and gender, and required to populate the Age Range Reference Chart. Not knowing the date of birth will mean that the lab cannot provide comment or advice on the test result. DOB (as a datapoint) is also used to reduce the potential for identification error, (mismatch).
Yes you can. To achieve this outcome, contact TestoChecker™indicating your intention to utilize a "substitute DOB". Test results will provide us with a Hormone Level, but not the Age Range comparisons, summary or advice.
The temporary DOB will remain the DOB used. The test result (level) is included, but the comparisons made within the test report, including the Age Range Reference Chart, will not apply.
It is advised to wait a full two (2) weeks to ensure the saliva hormone test result is unaffected by corticosteroid medicines.